Looking to start beginners yoga???

Here is a yoga video of a beginner yoga workout that is great for anyone starting out. Whether you are looking to do yoga for relaxation, weight loss yoga, morning yoga, P90x yoga, prenatal yoga, Kundalini yoga, power yoga, hot yoga, Bikram yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Hatha yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Ramdev Yoga, DDP yoga, yoga for flexibility, or one of the other many kinds of yoga, this video is a great place to start.

Yoga stretches are great for loosening up your body and relieving daily stress. You don't have to take a yoga class to be able to do yoga. With these yoga videos, you can learn how to do yoga in the comfort of your own home!

Yoga For Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight With Yoga

Yoga For Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight With Yoga
Yoga For Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight With Yoga
(Pic. from - www.wellbeing.com.au)
Excess weight gain has become a phenomenon in today's age, when lifestyles have become sedentary, and food more liberal with extra calories. Today our children prefer T.V. over their friends and play, merely a reflection of their parents who also somewhere prefer T.V. over socializing or even over spending time with their children (if they spend some time surely some running around will help burn some calories). These are only a few factors, which have resulted in increasing amount of people with the problem of excess weight or obesity.

The practice of yoga makes the body strong and flexible and helps to improve the overall function of the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and hormonal systems. Yoga assists us in releasing mental stress bringing clarity and peace of mind. Yoga opens a door into your heart and helps you to practice self-love and self-acceptance so that you become emotionally stable. But this only the beginning of a life-long journey towards your core, the realization of your true, essential self, the ultimate aim of yoga.  

Yoga For Back Pain - Yoga Helps Back Ache

Yoga For Back Pain - Yoga Helps Back Ache
Yoga For Back Pain - Yoga Helps Back Ache
(Pic. from - urbanwired.com)

If you have a back problem, it's best to get an okay from your doctor before trying yoga.

Back pain is often the result of a biomechanical imbalance in spinal structures. Yoga for back pain has been accepted by many chiropractors and back specialists. Before beginning yoga for back pain, consult your doctor to make sure you don’t make matters worse.

Back pain can be caused by a number of situations, from slipped discs to damaged muscles or ligaments. However, back pain can also be caused by infections, bone spurs or tumors. When yoga for back pain is implemented, the pain is reduced by stretching and strengthening the spine. You must exercise proper posture and this should be practiced so that you can get relieved from the back pain even when you’re not practicing yoga.

Back pain is increasingly a problem for many adults. The problem can sometimes lie in the fact that the spine is compressed and the back muscles are tight and weak. Since yoga postures aim to strengthen the spine as well as lengthen and stretch muscles, it can be ideal for many back pain sufferers 

Yoga For Back Pain Exercise... 

The Many Benefits of Yoga

The Many Benefits of Yoga
The Many Benefits of Yoga
(Pic. from - www.yogaenergytherapy.com)

This article tells about the many different benefits of yoga both mentally and physically. This is why so many celebrities do yoga.

Doing yoga has virtually unlimited physical and mental benefits. People know it for its stretching abilities. But it was designed to stimulate different glands to improve mood and overall health of the body. Also these glands create anti-aging hormones. There is a book by a medical doctor, Timothy McCall M.D., that is called Yoga as Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing. On the cover it says "Read this to find out why we teach our patients YOGA." -- Mehmet Oz M.D. (better known as Dr. Oz)

I have read stories about people that started doing yoga because they were depressed and it helped so much that they became yoga instructors. Note that depression can have many different causes including a lack of nutrients including vitamin D that you can get from sunlight. Psychology Today has an article saying that the increase in depression is due to sunscreen since it filters out 95% of the vitamin D. As far as all the women doing yoga, women are twice as likely to get depression as men. Note that there are many famous celebrities that do yoga including Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) 

Wellness Benefits of Doing Yoga

Wellness Benefits of Doing Yoga
Wellness Benefits of Doing Yoga
(Pic. from - www.costaricanwellness.com)
An article investigating why yoga has so many health benefits. Long term benefits are highlighted to give one more reason to wake up with ashtanga sun salutations instead of coffee.

Of course, you already knew that yoga is good for your body—but did you know all the ways it can help you stay healthy? It is more than just a stretching activity, and more than a strength-building exercise. Yoga offers benefits for your entire body as well as your mind—things that we all need to spend some time focusing energy on improving. So, if you haven’t already gotten into yoga, consider these additional reasons to get started!

Stress Reduction

Few of us get a chance to really center ourselves and focus on what our own bodies are trying to say. Practicing yoga gives you the opportunity to set things that are bothering you aside for an hour and focus on yourself and your well-being. If you can think only about the poses and the ultimate goals of your practice, you can take a break from your regular stressors and relax your mind fully. Few things offer this respite! And perhaps, when you finish your practice and come back to your daily activities and demands, you will see a solution to a problem you couldn’t grasp before!

Benefits of Losing Weight with Yoga

Benefits of Losing Weight with Yoga
Benefits of Losing Weight with Yoga
(Pic. from - itsafablife.com)
Many people do yoga to lose weight. Yoga can be your main weight loss method or a good addition to your weight loss program. No doubt, yoga will help you get rid of excess weight successfully!

Excess weight is a big problem for people from all over the world. Obviously, excess pounds may have a lot of negative consequences on health of people. That’s why it is important to get rid of it once and for all.

There are many weight loss methods available today. However, not all techniques are easy, effective and safe. Some weight loss methods can have a negative impact on health. Many people, who suffer from excess weight, find it difficult to do hard physical workouts and follow strict diets. Nevertheless, a good alternative exists. You can try to get rid of excess weight by doing yoga classes. 

Yoke Hatha Yoga with the Raw Foods for Superb Health

Yoke Hatha Yoga with the Raw Foods for Superb Health
Yoke Hatha Yoga with the Raw Foods for Superb Health
(Pic. from - www.gprc.ab.ca)
Yoga postures and the raw food diet make you more alive. Each practice complements the other, bringing many of the same physical and mental benefits. Asanas and the raw food diet are alike liberating, energizing, and exhilarating.

Since writing my two books, Beautiful On Raw: UnCooked Creations  and Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You, about my exploration and acceptance of the raw food lifestyle, I have added another important dimension to my health regimen.  Hatha Yoga.  I firmly believe that Hatha yoga practice has to be an integrated part of the raw food lifestyle.

I discovered and converted to the raw lifestyle in an effort to gain the peak of health, endurance and healing that I needed to ensure that I would be able to maximize the results of my upcoming surgical ordeal. 

The Many Styles of Yoga

The Many Styles of Yoga
The Many Styles of Yoga
(Pic. from - www.pinterest.com)
There are 22 forms of yoga practiced in the West.  Read this guide to find out which form of Yoga is for you. 

The Different Types of Yoga

There are many different styles of yoga being taught and practiced today. Although all of the styles are based on the same physical postures (called Asana’s), each has a particular emphasis or path. Here is a quick guide to the most popular types of yoga that can help you decide which style is right for you.

However, I am strongly advising that you try as many different styles, classes and teachers as possible.  It is crucial for your development, that you have a rich and varied experience of Yoga.  

Exercises and Yoga Stretches for Lower Back Pain

Exercises and Yoga Stretches for Lower Back Pain
Exercises and Yoga Stretches for Lower Back Pain
(Pic. from - www.yogacards.com)
Back pain is a common malady of active people. Solution to prevent and ease this condition include regular excercise, adequate rest, and a healthy diet. Yoga helps your body to maintain flexibility 

As people put more and more pressure on their bodies, muscle damage and injuries has become an almost normal part of the modern lifestyle. Think about it this way: If athletes who spend considerable time training their bodies and are arguably in top physical condition can get hurt one way or another, then ordinary individuals like us really have very little chance of avoiding muscle damage and injury, right?

Back pain, for one, has become part of many people’s lives. Some sufferers continually search for lasting solutions, while others have simply resigned themselves to a lifetime of pain. If you’re one of those who suffer from chronic back pain, then you shouldn’t lose hope. There are ways for you to get rid of back pain for good. Yoga stretches and exercises for the lower back are among the solutions that provide you with lasting relief from back pain.

The Importance Of Organic Nutrition

Don't understimate the power and contribution that organic food can give to you. It's definately worth paying the extra. This article shows why you will feel that much more healthier for this choice.
The Importance Of Organic Nutrition
The Importance Of Organic Nutrition
(Pic. from - news.softpedia.com)

Don't begrudge the extra money: Chosing organic is well worth it when considering your long-term health and its affects.

Here are my ten reasons for going organic:

1. Organic crop is grown naturally, free from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and other cocktails of poisonous chemicals. For example, did you know that there some 25 different chemicals on an apple skin, even when washed, when it's not organically grown.

2. The nutrition value is something like 50% higher than intensively farmed food: Higher vitamin, mineral, enzyme and micro-nutrient content being the factors.

Using Yoga to Manage ADD

Using Yoga to Manage ADD
Using Yoga to Manage ADD
(Pic. from - plus.google.com)

Exercise is a powerful tool for ADD management.

Medical professionals recommend that adults get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (such as running or biking) 3-5 times per week to improve their general health. For ADDers, this type of exercise is particularly beneficial, because it may balance production of neurotransmitters and reduce stress levels. 

Another form of exercise that ADDers are finding valuable is yoga.

When practiced regularly, yoga offers numerous health benefits, such as increased strength and flexibility, and decreased blood pressure and cholesterol levels. However, the greater benefits of yoga are arguably the psychological ones. Yoga combines physical activity with self-awareness, which promotes a mind-body connection that many ADDers lack.

Organic Clothing - How Can You Tell What You Get?

Organic Clothing - How Can You Tell What You Get?
Organic Clothing - How Can You Tell What You Get?
(Pic. from - www.healthychild.org)

Did you know about the hidden benefits of organic cotton? Read on to find outmore about why organic is good for the planet, the farmer - and your skin

That is a question I often get, therefore i thought I'd complete a more in-depth discussion of organic clothing here. Allow me to alert you, this isn't going to be the typical tree hugging point of view. While I grew up in Europe, getting an apple meant wandering into the back garden and… you guessed it: picking one directly from the tree - yes I lived in the countryside for some years as a small child. Since that time grocery stores, modern distribution and mass production took over. And with this came a huge use of pesticides, herbicides and other substances best avoided. When it comes to organic garments, the status today is simple: 

Only 4% of cotton is organic, but use of organic is on a rapid incline (growing 40-60% over the last number of years). 

There are a lot more organic T-shirts as well as other garments around these days than even just three years ago.

Organic merely means that the cotton has been grown without the use of chemicals. 

Diabetes and Yoga, Asanas and Pranayama

Diabetes and Yoga, Asanas and Pranayama
Diabetes and Yoga, Asanas and Pranayama
(Pic. from - www.diabetespharmacist.com)
Diabetes afflicts a human when his or her glucose level in blood shoots up. Our organ, pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that breaks down the glucose, allows body cells to absorb it, and in the process, energizes our body. When insufficient insulin is produced due to the deterioration of the beta cells of the Pancreas, the glucose or sugar that is ingested cannot be broken down, resulting in accumulation of glucose in blood. The disease is termed as diabetes or diabetes mellitus. It is mainly of three types: Type 1 is caused due to poor production of insulin, Type 2 is caused due to cell growing inert or non-responsive to insulin and the third type, Gestational diabetes attacks women during pregnancy.

Symptoms of Diabetes

1. Unusual and increased hunger
2. Increased thirst
3. Increased urination
4. Fatigue
5. Loss of weight
6. Irritability
7. Excretion of yellowish, sweet smelling urine
8. Itching around genitals

Role of yogic asanas and pranayama in fighting the disease

Bronchial Asthma Action Plan and Yoga

Bronchial Asthma Action Plan and Yoga
Bronchial Asthma Action Plan and Yoga
(Pic. from - www.everydayhealth.com)
An asthma action plan is a written program developed by your doctor or asthma expert to support you or another family member avoid asthma attacks.

An asthma action plan is often a written program that lets you know how to reply to bronchial asthma signs.

The aim would be to avoid flare-ups with good every day control and recognizing signs and symptoms of the flare-up earlier. Additionally it is essential to accept proper medication on the proper time. You do not need to discontinue for the medication you've been using but should you choose some all-natural stuff you can enhance your bronchial asthma and you might not need to take those medications.

Yoga is probably the most beneficial healing methods theoretically as well as in practice and it needs to be included in your Asthma Action Plan.

Natural Treatment for Asthma – Yoga

Asthma is one of the most discomforting respiratory ailments. 

Asthmatics suffer from periodic attacks of breathlessness interspersed with bouts of complete normalcy. Almost all asthma patients suffer more attacks at night, in their sleep. 

Natural Treatment for Asthma – Yoga | Pranayama
Natural Treatment for Asthma – Yoga
(Pic. from - www.onlineyogaguide.com)

Some of the common symptoms of asthma are - dry cough, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, feeling of lightness in the chest and wheezing (hissing or whistling sounds during exhalation).

Yoga for asthma natural treatment

Yoga is an excellent alternative therapy for asthma. It can improve your asthmatic condition due to the free flow of air. Asthma attacks would reduce with the increase of yoga practice. The breathing exercises are very useful to open up your lungs for fresh air.

Benefits of Yoga Breathing Exercises - Pranayama

Benefits of Yoga Breathing Exercises - Pranayama
Benefits of Yoga Breathing Exercises - Pranayama
(Pic. from - www.youtube.com)
Yoga, which evolved in ancient India, has become very popular in the modern world mainly because of its benefits in the form of good health, physical fitness, flexibility and mental relaxation. 

This article tells you about the immense benefits of Pranayama, the breathing exercises in Yoga, whose effects are not so well known. 

Read it as it will benefit you also.

Yoga evolved in ancient India more than 4000 years back. The word "Yoga" originates from the Sanskrit language and means, to join or integrate, or simply union. The meaning of Yoga is union of the body, mind and spirit with truth. Yoga encompasses  the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. 

Pregnancy Yoga is All about Breathing

Pregnancy Yoga is All about Breathing
Pregnancy Yoga is All about Breathing
(Pic. from - www.parentherald.com)

Are you looking for a healthy and resting method of exercising during your pregnancy? Yoga is a perfect solution for that.

Not only does yoga help you take a breath but it will help you feel yourself happier and more at ease with yourself and the world around you. 

If you are searching for a healthy and relaxing method of practicing during your pregnancy then you should obviously inspect yoga. 

Yoga will help you to have fantastic moments to yourself with your baby. There are many elements about yoga that will basically benefit you throughout your pregnancy time. 

Treat Your Acne With Yoga!

Treat Your Acne With Yoga
Treat Your Acne With Yoga!
(Pic. from - www.foresightplanning.eu)
Everything about yoga is good, but the best part of yoga is that it is a great stress reliever. If you had a proper exercise and yoga schedule, acne would have been miles away from you. 

You can treat your acne with yoga. It is a proven fact that by bringing some healthy life style changes you can quicken the response of medications to your acne skin.

Everything about yoga is good, but the best part of yoga is that it is a great stress reliever. If you had a proper exercise and yoga schedule, acne would have been miles away from you. Apart from the physical aspect, what is more important in yoga is that it treats your mental imbalances such as stress, anxiety and deep worries. Remember, yoga is not merely one of those tips. It has to develop as your way of living. 

Things About Yoga That Are Great

Things About Yoga That Are Great
Things About Yoga That Are Great
(Pic. from - www.healthcare-online.org)

Many yoga enthusiasts have recently been raving about the latest and greatest fitness program to burn calories, Bikram Yoga.

Many are loving Bikram Yoga. It is not like Hot Yoga because Bikram has little variation in the workout itself.

Usually, a Bikram session burns about 477 calories/hour for a female weighing about 150lb. While it is effective a woman can burn as many calories going for a run. Suddenly, Bikram starts to sound more like a flashy gimmick than the mother of all workouts. Also you should try a in home personal training session they are great workouts.

The mass appeal of exercising in a hot room is that it causes higher heart rate, which increases calorie burning. You many be burning calories, but the muscles and lungs are not being exercised much. Because of this,the advantages of a hot room are fairly exaggerated. 

The Best Time to Practice Yoga

Yoga has been the solution for every health problem known to man. 


The Best Time to Practice Yoga
(Pic. from - www.pranamaya.com)

There has been a tremendous growth in the popularity in practicing Yoga world over. People are noticing the benefits of practicing daily Yoga. They are especially amazed by the efficiency with which they can become fitter, healthier by undergoing the least taxing of all the exercises. Any Yoga, be it Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga or Ashthanga Yoga has the same amount of effect in benefiting the body. The entire needs of the body are met by Yoga and so practicing Yoga has become the latest Health-Buzz. 

Yoga has been developed throughout the years to be practiced by individuals to make their lives better. 

Online Yoga Classes can Help You Learn Advanced Yoga Poses

Yoga has its roots to ancient India and has been practices since several years by millions of people all over the world. 

Online Yoga Classes can Help You Learn Advanced Yoga Poses
Online Yoga Classes can Help You Learn Advanced Yoga Poses
(Pic. from - www.popsugar.com)
 With the advancements in technology, it is relatively much easier for people to learn yoga comfortably at the comfort of their home. A typical yoga class includes learning basic and advanced yoga poses through a yoga practitioner or yoga guru but today one can choose to learn various yoga poses through Internet as well.

There are numerous online health portals that allow people to perform various your exercises in spite of their tight work schedule. In today’s busy life and hectic work schedule, it is almost impossible to spare time for some sort of yoga exercise. In such cases, internet comes as a boon to these people by offering advanced yoga sessions to people. 

Todays Yoga Apparel - Look Feel Your Best

Todays Yoga Apparel - Look Feel Your Best
Todays Yoga Apparel - Look Feel Your Best
(Pic. from - yoga-eco-clothing.com)

Yoga pants for women and men are recognized as elegantly comfortable fashion that is as useful on a date, at work, or at home, as it is on a yoga mat.

Yoga apparel is designed to be comfortable, attractive, and resilient.

Form-fitting capris and tops transform into dining apparel with the addition of a tunic and boots, helping you to look and feel your best.

Styles come and go, and many passing fads have caused disfigured toes, crimped bellies, and unhappy shoulders with unforgiving fabrics and designs that fail to consider the natural human body. Regardless of fitness level, age, or body type, the human form moves in too many directions to be constrained by single-minded fashion fads. At the other end of the spectrum, baggy, unflattering sweatpants and sweatshirts may feel comfortable, but they leave much to be desired as far as appearance goes. Instead of having to choose between comfort and appearance, these fashions provide the best of both worlds. 

Yoga pants for women and men can be used at work or on a date just as readily as on a mat.

Why Is Filtered Tap Water - The Only Water We Should Drink?

Why Is Filtered Tap Water - The Only Water We Should Drink?
Why Is Filtered Tap Water?
(Pic. from - www.startechro.in)

We face a daily barrage of pollution that ends up in our water supply. 

How do we protect ourselves from the many contaminants that remain in our drinking water, even after water treatment? 

A simple but effective solution is a water filter. 

Find out just how much these are needed.

After considering the following information you may come to the conclusion that drinking filtered tap water is more of a necessity rather than an option. Lets see. 

We have lived in an industrial age for centuries now and we should have learned the lesson that continued contamination of our water is foolhardy. We still have countless mills and factories throughout the world discharging pollutants from the manufacture of steel, pulp and defense industry products. Just to name a few. 

Yoga clothing and its benefits for meditation

Yoga clothing and its benefits for meditation
Yoga clothing and its benefits for meditation
(Pic. from - yogameditationhome.com)
The article discusses about the different meditation music CDs and DVDs that are offered by Spirit Voyage for practicing Kundalini Yoga. This article also explains about the usefulness and influence of music in meditation and yoga practice.

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." - Carl Jung

In the literal sense, yoga refers to a system of exercises that help to control the mind, body and the soul of an individual. Practicing yoga helps a mortal being to reach a perfect state of spiritual calmness through the path of action, knowledge and devotion. The term Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj' which means to unite. Yoga aims to unite the body with the mind and the mind with the soul. Yoga paves the way for an individual to attain a joyous and blissful life. Mind is the central point of yoga practice and thus yoga aims to control the mind and draw it away from attachments or desires. 

Yoga Apparel - Salutations In Comfort And Style

Yoga Apparel - Salutations In Comfort And Style
Yoga Apparel - Salutations In Comfort And Style
(Pic. from - yoga-eco-clothing.com)
Yoga pants for women and men provide the comfort, flexibility, and elegance that make these articles of clothing useful at any time of the day and night. 

Yoga apparel is made of attractive, durable fabrics that drape beautifully, breathe, and wick away moisture, all while helping you look and feel your best.

The poses and postures used to build physical and mental enlightenment also allow you to strengthen your sense of balance, grace, and inner peace. These clothes work with your body instead of against it to make classes, periods of relaxation, and even dining out with family and friends more comfortable, stylish, and uniquely you. Instead of wearing ill-fitting, unflattering clothes that strain both your skin and your savings, yoga pants for women and men, as well as tops, tunics, and jackets, allow people to express their personal style while feeling comfortable. 

Yoga for Children

Yoga for Children
Yoga for Children
(Pic. from - ayogabody.blogspot.com)
Yoga is one of the best forms of exercises that are used to get unmatched healing benefits to human health. It refers to the traditional way of maintaining physical and mental disciplines through natural medicinal practices. Yoga is believed to instinct a sense of mental and physical health by increasing coordination among mind, body and soul. 

In the present scenario, children are also being suffered from various illnesses. It creates a need for a trusted health partner that helps children fighting diseases as well as promoting overall growth. 

Vegetarian: The Difference Between Vegan & Vegetarian

Vegetarian: The Difference Between Vegan & Vegetarian
Vegetarian: The Difference Between Vegan & Vegetarian
(Pic. from - www.enkivillage.com)

If you recently started reading about vegetarian diets, you have probably read all sorts of strange vegetarian terms and categories like "vegan," "ovo-lacto vegetarian," and "semi-vegetarian."

You probably wondered what the big deal was. Afterall, what is so conceptually tough about not eating meat? And you were right! The distinctions between these sub-categories of vegetarian are actually small, but each is very important to members who belong to the groups. For them, these distinctions aren’t arbitrary lines; they are important dietary or ethical decisions.

Let’s take a look at some of these groups: 

A Vegan Diet: The Key to a Healthy Weight

A Vegan Diet: The Key to a Healthy Weight
A Vegan Diet: The Key to a Healthy Weight
(Pic. from - www.chooseveg.com)

Omitting animal products from one’s diet can be a relatively easy route to weight loss. The following article discusses veganism and provides tips for sticking to a vegan diet.

Veganism is a somewhat foreign idea to many Americans. For generations, animal products have been the stuff of Americana: families have started their mornings with scrambled eggs, discussed their days over steak, and enjoyed ice cream desserts before bedtime. At the same time though, our waistlines have ballooned and our arteries have become clogged. Veganism offers a healthy alternative. Try it for awhile, or try it for good. Either way, you’ll reap great benefits: vegans are rewarded with slimmer figures, cleaner-running engines, and enhanced energy. 

What is veganism?

All The Reasons To Practice Yoga

All The Reasons To Practice Yoga
All The Reasons To Practice Yoga
(Pic. from - www.lifehack.org)

The routine practice of yoga offers many beneficial reasons and the results are astonishing, and hence considering yoga exercises as fitness workouts is recommended.

Yoga is gaining importance recently over the world as it includes mind and body fitness. Yoga offers a holistic approach to the body health and mind, as it views both, mind and body as inseparable. The reasons worth considering doing yoga as a routine is because it trains the body and the mind through asanas involving poses as well as postures.

This training assists in improving blood circulation, strength, stamina, flexibility and concentration. Practicing yoga gives an invigorated feel and peace that allows performing daily chores without any stress. The routine practice of yoga offers many beneficial reasons and the results are astonishing, and hence considering yoga exercises as fitness workouts is recommended. Though, aerobic exercises are effective in burning calories and strengthening muscle, yoga does something beyond that as it benefits the body and mind. 

My yoga story

     The first time I tried yoga was in 2007 for about 3 or classes.  I did not continue because, I did not have a reason to do it beyond wanting to try something new.  It was not until 2009 when I did hot yoga free class that I really became interested in it as something of value.  I decided to commit to 3 months of classes, 6 days per week and sometimes 7 days.

      I wanted to become more flexible but more importantly at a cost of $200 per month, I wanted to maximize its value.  I had everything that I needed; yoga mats, 2 liters of water with electrolytes, a towel and a change of clothes.  Hot yoga is more than a class, it is a test of will, commitment and endurance.  It is 90 minutes in a 100 degree room with 50 plus other individuals.  The first week was tough on my developed muscles. 

How to Stay Motivated in Your Yoga Practice

How to Stay Motivated in Your Yoga Practice
How to Stay Motivated in Your Yoga Practice
(Pic. from - www.yogalondon.net)

Okay, so you’ve decided that this is the year you are going to get into shape, both physically and mentally – you’ve decided to take up yoga or to recommit to your current yoga practice.

Maybe you’ve signed up for a new class or purchased some new yoga DVDs, or maybe you want to begin your daily yoga practice at home.  You’re feeling enthusiastic about making some healthy changes in your life, but how can you keep that motivation going throughout the year?

Right after New Years many people are motivated to start a new yoga program or some other type of fitness program, but within a few months give it up, succumbing to frustration or loss of interest.  Many people don’t know how to maintain enough motivation to get them through the inevitable decline in enthusiasm and plateaus of their practice.  Below are some ways to help you maintain your motivation for yoga or any other fitness program.

To stay motivated in yoga:

10 Pitfalls in Yoga

10 Pitfalls in Yoga
10 Pitfalls in Yoga
(Pic. from - www.motivationxtreme.org)
Yoga is widely acclaimed as a wonderful art that controls the body and mind. It is has been lauded highly for its therapeutic values. 

Like any other entity that prevails on earth, Yoga has its own quota of cons. 

We discuss those dangers and pitfalls in the forthcoming lines.

Speaking on defects of postural yoga, the head down body position has worsened the glaucomatous visual faults. Similarly an orthopedic patient cannot access specific poses. Thus a health diagnosis is needed before practicing yoga. Mere desire to practice all yoga poses does not permit you to do the same. You need to be permitted by your health conditions. 

Yoga: Equipment

Yoga: Equipment
Yoga: Equipment
(Pic. from - www.theayurvedicpath.com)

Yoga is a challenging discipline for the beginning to the advanced person.  

The asanas, or postures are slow and steady and are not meant to be painful, but this does not mean that they are not challenging.  Never extend yourself too much to cause discomfort.  With practice, you should see yourself relaxing into the stretches with ease.  

Nevertheless, for beginners there are a few tips when practicing yoga.  Release all thoughts, good or bad before you begin.  

A Beginner’s Guide To Yoga Asanas

By asana we mean various Yoga postures. 

A Beginner’s Guide To Yoga Asanas
A Beginner’s Guide To Yoga Asanas
(Pic. from - www.theindusparent.com)
There are good number of asanas offering different exercises to body as well as mind. If you are the one who has just made a tryst with Yoga, you would be first of all made to do basic yoga asana. These basic asanas are only meant to make your body accustomed to Yoga practices. You get accustomed to yoga practice by gaining increased flexibility through basic asanas. 

Asanas are very helpful in bringing rejuvenation to your body and mind. 

Asana happens to be one of the limbs of yoga practices. You learn tolerance, balance, patience and perseverance through yoga asana. 

Five Reasons You Should Drink More Water

Five Reasons You Should Drink More Water
Five Reasons You Should Drink More Water
(Pic. from - agrandelife.net)
I know you've heard this many times - "Drink more water!". Yet, 99% of the people don't heed this advice. Maybe if water was more expensive, people would pay more attention to consume enough of it on a daily basis. We are living in a dehydrated world of carbonated beverages, caffeine and alcohol.

I bet you don't know how important is water for your health, figure and well-being. I didn't know it until I found a book that literally opened my eyes. The book is titled "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj. 

Reason 1: Water can cure many modern diseases

Yoga: Cure through Yoga

Yoga: Cure through Yoga
Yoga: Cure through Yoga
(Pic. from - www.lexiyoga.com)

Yoga in a popular position Yoga, one of the world's oldest forms of exercise, is experiencing a rebirth in our stressful modern world. 

You wouldn't think that a 3000-year-old exercise could increase its popularity. But yoga is now being prescribed even by some medical practitioners for a range of health ailments and illnesses, as a stress reliever and to complement other fitness programs.

Talk to anyone who practises yoga and they will quickly extoll an endless list of benefits. It seems beginners quickly become converts. They believe it is the key to good health and happiness in today's world _ a common goal for most people. But probably the greatest advertisement for yoga is the fact that it seems to have graduated from the weird and alternative ranks into a position of fairly wide community acceptance. 

Yoga Diet - A Vegan Treat

Yoga Diet - A Vegan Treat
Yoga Diet - A Vegan Treat
(Pic. from - wildyogi.info)

Yoga diet is of paramount use to people in losing weight and also in maintaining a balanced body. 

A complete yoga diet also includes various tasty and nutritious foods.

The most common topic is about having food and craving for it, but only very few are aware of the fact that the actual intense fat burner is none other than yoga diet. The diet is healthy containing fruits, whole grains and vegetables, that in no way supports gaining weight. As a result, it concentrates more on vegetarian foods and thereby excludes meat, fish and poultry. This is also viewed spiritually as being kind to animals, but it accepts dairy products such as milk, butter, eggs, yogurt and cheese as they are rich in calcium and vitamins required for the body.