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Diabetes and Yoga, Asanas and Pranayama (Pic. from - www.diabetespharmacist.com) |
Symptoms of Diabetes
1. Unusual and increased hunger
2. Increased thirst
3. Increased urination
4. Fatigue
5. Loss of weight
6. Irritability
7. Excretion of yellowish, sweet smelling urine
8. Itching around genitals
Role of yogic asanas and pranayama in fighting the disease
Yogic asanas can be very helpful for diabetic patients.
Regular practice of yogic asanas, meditation, poses and breathing exercises can improve metabolism, stimulate liver and pancreas functioning, thus regulating glucose levels in our blood. The asanas or yogic exercises that can be practiced daily by a diabetic have been listed below:
1. Frog pose or mandukasana - This pose requires sitting of the patient in vajrasana. It is excellent for a diabetic, for it exerts pressure on pancreas, thus stimulating the beta-cells.
2. Yogamudrasana - This is done sitting in padmasana, and this too exerts much pressure on stomach and pancreas.
3. Paschimottasana or forward seated bending posture - The person has to sit on a mat with legs stretched in front. After taking a deep breath, the person has to bend forward, exhaling, touching the knees and reaching for the toes. Once the toes are touched, the person has to hold the position for two or three breaths and then return to sitting position. This asana has to be practiced thrice. It improves functioning of liver, pancreas and kidneys
4. Shalabhasana or locust posture - This asana should be practiced in combination with the other yogic postures. It improves digestion, tones up liver and pancreas and combats the problem of acidity.
5. Ardha matsyendrasana - This is the difficult exercise of spine twisting. It is excellent for recovery of pancreas.
6. Vakrasana - This pose is comparatively easy, and can fetch all the benefits of spine twisting.
7. Pranayama - Pranayama includes simple breathing exercises that can prove highly beneficial. One has to devote at least 30 minutes a day to pranayama. The pranayamas that can be practiced along with asanas for curing diabetes include Bhastrika pranayama, Kapalbhati pranayama, Agnisar Kriya, Bahya pranayama, Anuloma-Viloma pranayama, Udgit pranayama, Bhramari pranayama.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
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